Unlock Your Potential With OpenLearn



The ‘World Wide Web’ is precisely that. It is a vast interconnected web of useful resources, people and ideas from around the world at YOUR sole disposal.

You can either choose to let a great learning opportunity as this, pass or use it to better your future!

I believe that ‘science’ is a subject, fit for the innately curious.

Geology enthusiasts must constantly exceed their expectations and gather knowledge from varied sources during their foundational years. Prospective geologists should have a good mind to always try and make their fundamentals rock solid, not rocky. 🙂

I chanced upon a great platform called OpenLearn and would like to share my 5 choicest courses for the Earth Science inclined! The best part of these listings is that they’re super short and sweet.

Here we go-

1.Life in Paleozoic
Duration- 12 hours

Palaeontology studies require a systematic approach. For students, a well-structured course as this will help put the chronological order of evolutionary events in the clear. You will then be able to truly enjoy the wonderful world of lifeforms in the Paleozoic era as much as I did.

2.Energy Resources: Alternative Energy in Perspective
Duration- 3 hours

Fossil fuel divestment and investment in climate solutions is on the rise. We need to understand our alternative energy options better and this course will help you do exactly that.

3.Unclear about Nuclear
Duration-20 hours

This introductory course is for those who would like to enter the high energy, power packed, nuclear industry.

4.Energy Resources: Geothermal Energy
Duration- 4 hours

Geothermal energy is an alternative energy source that has immense potential to meet our power demands without contributing to global warming and pollution. One ought to study it so that we can harness it to our advantage.

5.Earth’s Physical Processes: Petroleum
Duration- 12 hours

The course is slick. If you’re dreaming of a career in drilling and living on camp at a rig-site, you would want to know a bit about the geological characteristics of petroleum, drilling methods and safety measures at the rig-site. The course covers all these details in as succinct a way as possible.

There are only good things to say about the OpenLearn platform; the list given above is an exhaustive one! Browse the website yourself for a brilliant range of courses in the Nature and Environment section.

On course completion, you are rewarded for your efforts with a ‘Statement of Participation’. That way, you can list proof of your learning on your resume and get recognised for it in all the right circles!

This is Nimesh Kotadia’s debut post on this blog. Kotadia is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Geophysics at the Indian Institute of Technology- Kharagpur.

Edited by- Nikita Nayak.

We would love to hear about your online learning experiences! Feel free to comment below.

7 thoughts on “Unlock Your Potential With OpenLearn

  1. I guess i should have known about open learn before! It’s really good to know that you guys have done a great job in bringing in light about such websites and the best part is it’s well authored and structured.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Gunjan! Thank you for your interest in learning about online courses!
      We’ve planned a series of posts that will tell you about different platforms where one can study at home with a PC and an Internet connection.
      Be sure to subscribe to this blog so that you don’t miss out on these future posts! 🙂


  2. Hii
    If you have major e-books of Cambridge university press like
    1) phillpotts and jaue
    2) yardley etc etc
    Then please upload on this site


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